Professional. ReliAble. Fast.

2024 Charge-Out Rates

When an electrical problem occurs in your home, the first priority is to get it fixed. Pricing, however, comes a close second because you want to get a fair price for the electrical work. The first question to ask is how much will it cost to hire an electrician.

Working men

How much does an electrician cost per hour?

Charge-out rates for electricians in Auckland can be anywhere between  $120 to $190 (+ GST) for the first hour. Per hour after the first hour can range from $70 to $120 (+ GST). These rates also depend on an electrician’s experience level and expertise and does not include additional costs like materials. Apprentice electricians or trade assistants with a limited licence can charge out rates between $35 to $95 (+ GST) per hour.

Comparing Charge-Out Rates

Why do charge-out rates vary for Auckland Electricians?

Charge-out rates can vary depending on experience, expertise and the quality of work completed. By law, you are required to use a registered electrician as they have to provide a Certificate of Compliance or Electrical Safety Certificate for any electrical work completed.

Certified Master Electricians Licensed Electricians

Other Electrician Costs to Consider

Registered Master Electricians have a duty of care to ensure that they safely wire your home. This includes evaluating the safety of your home even if it was not completely safe, to begin with.  If you have an older property, it may no longer have ‘safe’ wiring, especially with electrical standards improving and updating over time. In order for electrical work to be compliant, you may need to pay for additional electrician costs to make your property safe.

What to look for when hiring an Electrician

The most important things to look out for:

  • Fully-certified Master Electricians with a current registered license
  • A reputable brand name like Grammar Electrical
  • Areas of expertise
  • References
  • Safe installations and repairs
  • Guarantee / Warranty
  • Certificate of Compliance for work completed
  • Good communication skills

The universal truth is that once you find a good electrician you never let them go. Grammar Electrical specialises in all types of electrical work for homes and businesses in Auckland. Our electricians have the experience and expertise to work on both, large and small projects. Contact us now for a free installation quote.

Got a question?

Contact us for a FREE installation quote or book your job online today.